Chinese translation for "dust and fume"
- 烟尘
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Recovery of valuable dusts and fumes for economic reasons is also a major application . 从经济的角度回收有价值的粉尘和微尘也是其主要的应用方面。 | | 2. | Dust and fume escaping from the tank are washed with a small amount of aqueous ammonium carbonate . 从反应糟中逸出的粉尘和烟雾用少量碳酸氨水溶液洗涤。 | | 3. | The evergreen shrubs struggled to survive the dust and fume from the bush main road 那些常青灌木经受着繁华的大街上吹来的灰尘和废气,挣扎着活下去 | | 4. | Four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner , where they struggled to survive the dust and fumes from a busy road 四丛常绿灌木分别位于每个角落,它们忍受着从繁忙大街上吹来的尘烟挣扎着活下去。 |
- Similar Words:
- "dust analyzer" Chinese translation, "dust and ashes" Chinese translation, "dust and dirt; dirt" Chinese translation, "dust and fly proof showcase" Chinese translation, "dust and fog test" Chinese translation, "dust and fume monitor" Chinese translation, "dust and heat of the day" Chinese translation, "dust and mist collector" Chinese translation, "dust and poisonous gas control" Chinese translation, "dust and sand effect" Chinese translation